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Summer & Winter Schools






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Summer & Winter Schools






KITeGG - Making AI tangible and comprehensible: Connecting technology and society through design. A joint project of five universities on the integration of AI in design teaching funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Rhineland-Palatinate state.

"Artificial intelligence" is already helping to shape our present. Mobile phone pictures are automatically supplied with filters, our taste in music and films is recognised and guided, we rely on voice recognition and navigation algorithms. But how can AI models be deliberately integrated into the design process? And when does their use make sense? The joint project "KITeGG - Making AI tangible and comprehensible: Connecting technology and society through design" aims to bring precisely these topics into design teaching. Project partners are the Mainz University of Applied Sciences, the Offenbach University of Art and Design, the Schwäbisch Gmünd University of Applied Design, the Cologne International School of Design and the Trier University of Applied Sciences.


Prof. Adrian Nießler

Alexander Bauer

Prof. Alex Oppermann

Anton Koch

Prof. Benedikt Groß

Prof. Catrin Altenbrandt

Christopher Pietsch

Eduard Paal

Elisa Deutloff

Felix Sewing

Prof. Florian Jenett

Francesco Scheffzcyk

Prof. Harald Steber

Prof. Hartmut Bohnacker

Ivan Iovine

Jakob Kilian

Jean Böhm

Johanna Wallenborn

Jordi Trost

Julia-Jasmin Bold

Lars Hembacher

Prof. Lasse Scherffig

Maika Dieterich

Matthias Grund

Prof. Dr. Matthias Sieveke

Markus Mau

Max Kreis

Moritz Hartstang

Paul Eßer

Peter Ehses

Rahel Flechtner

Ron Mandic

Simon Maris

Aeneas Stankowski

Alexa Steinbrück

Bastian Kämmer

Felix Tischmacher

Isabela Dimarco

Joscha Berg

Laura Juliane Wagner

Insights of the partner universities

Mainz University of Applied Sciences ↗

Mainz University of Applied Sciences is the network coordinator in the KITeGG project and is also setting up the joint AI infrastructure. The teaching and the laboratory that will be set up as part of the funding are thematically oriented towards automation, tools and generative design approaches.

Insights of the partner universities

Offenbach University of Art and Design ↗

The HfG Offenbach is exploring AI and artistic practice as a thematic focus within the project. As part of the project, an AI lab and a robotics lab have been set up, which are integrated into the artistic teaching area of Electronic Media. The AI lab supports students in the development of deep learning algorithms and in the integration of existing data sets and trained models into their artistic practice. The implications of technology for society and the reflection of one's own artistic work play a central role here. With the help of physical computing, robotics, digital fabrication and artificial intelligence, the robotics lab supports students in the development of interactive installations.

Insights of the partner universities

Trier University of Applied Sciences ↗

Sustainability is firmly anchored in teaching at the campus, which has carried the ‘Fairtrade University’ label since 2021. The AI lab focuses on this topic, including research into material efficiency as a sustainable aspect of avoiding overproduction. In the lab, AI can serve as a creative, experimental tool for finding ideas and inspiration or for incorporating various complex interrelationships into the design process. Students learn to use AI-supported information as a basis for ethically and ecologically responsible design decisions.

Insights of the partner universities

Cologne International School of Design (Cologne University of Applied Sciences) ↗

The KITeGG project at KISD focuses on approaches that consider the social impact of the design of and with artificial intelligence and that - in the sense of an interdisciplinary understanding of design - focus on artificial intelligence in the context of the design of products, processes and interactions.

Insights of the partner universities

Schwäbisch Gmünd University of Applied Design ↗

The HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd has set itself two focal points in the project, through which AI is to be understood and utilised as a new design tool. The theory-based focus ‘Design Futures’ aims to construct images of the future in order to accompany AI in current social discussions and to test possible effects on society, the economy and culture. In the ‘Creative Machine Learning’ teaching formats, students deal with AI technologies and learn how to adapt and train them for design-scientific problems. The AI+Design Lab (AI+D Lab) supports interdisciplinary and research-based learning in design with AI and offers a basic set of tools and materials for building rapid AI design prototypes.

AI+D Lab Website

Summer & Winter Schools

14 - 16 May 2025

(Upcoming) Reshape – Forum for Artificial Intelligence in Art and Design

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Save the date!

11 - 13 Dec 2024

Correlations Forum for AI in Art and Design

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Correlations is an interdisciplinary event that gathers artists, designers, educators, students, theorists and the public for an exchange on the evolving role of artificial intelligence and robotics in art and design. Over 2.5 days, Correlations provides a forum for critical reflection, knowledge and skill sharing to explore questions. Through lectures, workshops, panels, performances and an exhibition participants will engage with the cultural, ethical, and societal implications of AI, while exploring its potential and limitations as both a tool and a subject for artistic experimentation.

12 – 14 June 2024

Hidden Layers – AI and Design Conference

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Visual of the event

Köln International School of Design will host the second edition of its Hidden Layers conference from June 12-15 in Cologne, Germany. The event brings together a diverse group of experts to collectively discuss and learn about artificial intelligence in design. Organized by the research project KITeGG on design and AI, it combines a public program of talks, an exhibition and workshops with internal meetings of the five art and design schools involved in the project.

Images of the eventImages of the eventImages of the eventImages of the eventImages of the eventImages of the event

25 – 28 Oct 2023

Transform 2023: Conference on AI, Sustainability, Art and Design.

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We take a closer look at the intersection of AI, sustainability, art and design.

Images of the eventImages of the eventImages of the eventImages of the eventImages of the eventImages of the event

Photos by Luca Natale.

10 – 12 May 2023

Reshape – Forum for Artificial Intelligence in Art and Design

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How will artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) techniques (re)shape the field of art and design in the future? Join us for a refreshing in-depth exploration of the multifaceted world of creative AI.

Images of the eventImages of the eventImages of the eventImages of the eventImages of the eventImages of the eventImages of the eventImages of the event

Photos by Stefan Eigner.

09 – 11 Nov 2022

Correlations Forum for AI in Art and Design

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Visual of the event

Correlations is an interdisciplinary event gathering creatives, experts, as well as curious non-experts for an exchange on Artificial Intelligence.

Images of the eventImages of the eventImages of the eventImages of the eventImages of the eventImages of the eventImages of the eventImages of the event

Photos by Jakob Diekmann.

17 – 22 Aug 2022

Hidden Layers – AI and Design Summer School

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Hidden Layers gathers a diverse group of experts to collectively discuss and learn about artificial intelligence in design.

With contributions by: Tomás Ignacio Corvalán Azócar, Johannes Growe, Matthias Grund, Lisa Marleen Mantel, Arthur Nagel, Alfred Ramskill-Pugh, Moritz Tontsch, Laura Wagner, Julius Walsch, Paul Wehner, Conrad Weise, Kjell Wistoff

Images of the eventImages of the eventImages of the eventImages of the eventImages of the eventImages of the event


Un/learn AI - Approaching AI in Aesthetic Practices.
Image of latest publication

In volume 1 of the ‘un/learn AI’ series, the KITeGG joint project presents initial approaches and results from teaching and research. It offers insights into the newly established AI labs and learning environments at the sites. Contributions from employees as well as guests of the two KITeGG symposia ‘Hidden Layers 2023’ and ‘Correlations 2023’ are also featured in the publication.

Published by KITeGG

Special Issue 1: Hidden Layers
Image of latest publication

This collection of texts explores the key themes and discussions of the second edition of the Hidden Layers conference, held at Köln International School of Design from June 12 to 15, 2024.

Published by KISDedition.

Creative Pattern Recognition
Image of latest publication

Creative Pattern Recognition is a hybrid publication that explores the intersection of artificial intelligence and creative practices. The publication covers a wide range of topics such as the role of AI in art and design addressing the impact and potential on the creative process.

Published by Francesco Scheffczyk.

Flechtner, Rahel / Kilian, Jakob (2024). Making (Non-)Sense—A Playful and Explorative Approach to Teaching AI Intuition for the Design of Sensor-Based Interactions. In Proceedings of the 6th Annual Symposium on HCI Education.

Grund, Matthias (2025): No Thoughts, Just Vibes (im Druck). In: Karwas, Dana, Dubowski, Lauren (Hg.): Machine as Medium Printed Volume. New Haven, Yale University, Center for Collaborative Arts (CCAM)

Maris, Simon / Scherffig, Lasse (2024): Designing on the Micro-scale, In: Manuel Kretzer (Hg.): Synthetic Realities. New Frontiers in AI-driven Design, Fabrication and Materiality, AADR – Art Architecture Design Research, Bamberg, 2024, 116-123.

Scherffig, Lasse / Hawranke, Thomas (2024): Hund: Gassi gehen im Latent Space. In: Ina Bolinski, Thomas Hawranke, Stefan Rieger (Hg.): Virtuelle Tiere: Lebewesen zwischen Code und Kreatur. Bielefeld: Transcript (Virtuelle Lebenswelten), 101-126 (Open Access)

Scherffig, Lasse (2024): KI als Werkzeug und Medium. In: ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medien Karlsruhe (Hg.): Warum KI unsere Museen intelligenter macht. Karlsruhe: ZKM, 61-66

Iovine, Ivan (2023): Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Robotics into Art Curriculum. INFORMATIK 2023 - Designing Futures: Zukünfte gestalten. DOI: 10.18420/inf2023_32. Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.. PISSN: 1617-5468. ISBN: 978-3-88579-731-9. pp. 347-352. Bildung - KI-Bildung - Ein Workshop zu Aus- und Weiterbildung über Künstliche Intelligenz. Berlin. 26.-29. September 2023


Winter Semester 2024/2025

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Summer Semester 2024

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Winter Semester 2023/2024

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Summer Semester 2023

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Winter Semester 2022/2023

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Correlations is an interdisciplinary event that gathers artists, designers, educators, students, theorists and the public for an exchange on the evolving role of artificial intelligence and robotics in art and design.

This collection of texts explores the key themes and discussions of the second edition of the Hidden Layers conference, held at Köln International School of Design from June 12 to 15, 2024. Offering various perspectives on ‘hidden layers’, the conference was organized in two thematic tracks: “AI, Code & Material” and “AI, Society & (Visual) Culture.”

Nov 2024

The first KITeGG Publication is published

We are online! Volume 1 of the series - ‘un/learn ai - Approaching AI in Aesthetic Practices’ - is now available as a Web2Print publication!


Please get in touch if you want to know more, are writing an article, have a workshop or event to propose or another idea of how you want to get involved.


Info Material

Press Kit ↗

Social Media

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Content: KITeGG

Design: Maika Dieterich

Development: Maika Dieterich, Jean Böhm

Funded by:
